Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

Browsing From the Pastor

July 2nd/3rd Bulletin Article

From the Pastor:                                                       

Greetings to all the parishioners of St. Mary, St. Peter, and Resurrection parishes. God’s blessings to each of you!

Like many other parishes throughout our diocese, this weekend brings changes. For some, the newness is with their priest(s), and for others it is the twinning or tripling of their parish with neighboring parishes. For our area, it is a combination of both. These changes can be unsettling for some people and stressful to others. In those moments, recall the words on the Divine Mercy image given to St. Faustina: Jesus, I trust in You

As we move forward with the new priests-parishes arrangement that has been given to us, I’m confident that we will be able to do so positively. I say this for several reasons, the first being that you have three priests who are eager to spiritually provide for all three parishes. Each of us loves God, His people, and His Church. Each of us priests has his own spiritual gifts which we are looking forward to sharing with all three parishes. We know we will be busy but we’re ready for the challenge. 

The second reason for me believing there are blessings awaiting us is because of you the parishioners. In listening to what parishioners have been sharing with me at all three parishes, there is much optimism in how the parishes can work together for the benefit of all. Just as each of us priests has particular gifts, so does each parish. Everyone benefits when we priests share our gifts, so too when parishes share their particular gifts. Parishioners with whom I’ve had random conversations are looking forward to getting to know other Catholics. That is beautiful and edifying for me.  

The third reason I have hope moving forward is that I have faith in God. I know that God will bless us generously if we humbly and courageously move forward making the best of our situation. Humility lets God be God in this place at this time. Humility is us saying to God through our actions that we want His Kingdom and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Courage allows us to push into the unfamiliar and unknown because we know God is with us. Courage is needed to pick up whatever crosses are before us in the pathway of following Christ. 

In your prayers this week, please include Fr. Frisbee, Fr. Kishore, and all priests beginning their new assignments. Pray also to the Holy Spirit, asking for His wisdom and guidance in all that is before us here in our parishes. And be sure to attend one of the three parish potlucks that begin this Sunday afternoon at 5pm. 

Fr. Miller


Fr. Miller



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