Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

Adult Formation

Christian Formation
This minist-ry is comprised of several different parish teams and multiple other spiritual processes within the parish.  A few of the ministries and teams are:
Adult Formation Team: 
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA): This is a process by which non-Catholics have an opportunity to explore and embrace  the Catholic Faith. R.C.I.A. also welcomes Catholics who want to renew and update their understanding of the Faith of the Catholic Church.  You can contact Cheryl Young at cheryl@resurrectionlexington.com or 419-884-0060
 Annulments: An annulment is a declaration by a church tribunal (a Catholic Church court)  that a marriage thought to be valid according to Church law actually fell short of at least one of the essential elements required for a binding union.  If you have questions about your marriage or civil divorce call parish office at 419-884-0060.