Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

Browsing Announcements

Perpetuate the Gift

Support Our Priests’ Retirement: Our priests have made a gift of their lives in service to
the Church, and we are grateful for their many years of priestly ministry. In the United
States, half of all the U.S. diocesan priests are expected to retire by 2019.
Please express your appreciation for those who have faithfully served in the Diocese of
Toledo by making a gift to Perpetuate the Gift Appeal. Once a priest retires, he is
responsible for his own personal expenses such as housing, clothing, and food. Your gift
benefits our diocesan priests, retired diocesan priests, and your parish. The Perpetuate the
Gift appeal also helps retiring priests with the cost of healthcare by providing a Medicare
supplement. All funds contributed between October 1, 2017, and December 31, 2017, help
reduce the amount the parish contributes to the fund. A gift of cash or check can be sent to
Perpetuate the Gift, PO Box 954, Toledo, OH, 43697 or placed in the parish collection. A gift
may also be made online at