Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

Browsing Announcements

View Sunday Mass with Father Matt on YouTube


Dear Friends,

During this difficult time without public Mass being offered, I invite you—the people of St. Mary of the Snows and Resurrection—to join me in the celebration of Holy Mass on the Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 22nd at 10:30am. While we cannot celebrate Mass together in person, you can join me for Mass on YouTube channels of St. Mary of the Snows and Resurrection Parish Lexington. Because you cannot be present physically to receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, I invite you to make a Spiritual Communion during Mass. Below is a prayer for making a Spiritual Communion, and it will be available under the description on the video.

Mass will not be live, but because God is beyond the confines of time, we will nevertheless be united as I offer Mass for you. Please click on the link below to view Mass at 10:30 am on Sunday, March 22.

I look forward to being together again with you soon. God bless you and your families!

Please click on the link below for Resurrection Parish Lexington's YouTube channel.

YouTube Resurrection Parish

Act of Spiritual Communion:

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.