Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

Browsing From the Pastor

Aug 26/27 Bulletin Article

Dear Parishioners,

This week please invite another person to the Catholic Church. This might seem like a bold request on my part but most adults become part of the Catholic Church because someone invited them to do so. However, before doing anything, pray to God for insight as to whether someone you know needs an invitation to join the Catholic Church. In doing so, you might discover that God is inviting you to help that person to the next level of their spiritual life.  

Invitations are powerful, and that is true for the Catholic Faith. If you ask with kindness and enthusiasm, and they decline your invitation, you have done your part in bringing that particular person closer to God. On the other hand, you just might be the final piece of God’s puzzle to bring that person into the Catholic Church. In my many years as a priest, I’ve seen some of the happiest faces from those who have become Catholic, and the same for their family members and friends.

You might ask why we should invite others to join the Catholic Church. The first reason is that Jesus tells us directly: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19) Christ intends this to be the work of every one of us, each having different roles, but each taking part.

Just as importantly, Jesus also prayed: “that they may all be one, even as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You.” (John 17:21) This is one of the most powerful prayers Jesus ever prayed! Our one Father, who created one world with one family in Adam and Eve, has established one Church, which is meant to prepare us for the one heaven – “so that they all may be one!”

The process by which a person becomes a member of the Catholic Church is called the Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA). Its focus is directed toward those who are curious about or interested in joining the Catholic Church. There are many misconceptions about the Catholic Faith that can turn people away. For example, we don’t worship statues, we do read our bibles, and heaven requires more than just going to Mass on Sunday.

OCIA explores various topics of our Faith, such as prayer, sacraments, scripture, morality, church history, etc.  All this aims at helping the inquiring persons make an informed decision about whether they should become part of the Catholic Church. There is no pressure, just good hearted people helping those who want to learn more about the Catholic Church. Each inquiring person has a sponsor whose role is to accompany them along the faith journey.

Please remember to pray about whom you might ask to become part of the Catholic Church and then kindly invite them.  Do not underestimate the power of your invitation to influence others!

Fr. Miller


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