Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

Browsing From the Pastor

August 3/4 Bulletin Article

From the Pastor:                                                      

This week I’m excited to share with you upcoming changes to the bulletin, part of which are included in today’s bulletin. The intent of these is twofold. The first is to keep you better informed with what is happening in our tri-parish community, and the second is to provide additional inspiration for your spiritual life. Much has been accomplished in our parishes, and much more is still to be accomplished. I’m looking forward to you learning each week about these in future bulletins. Be sure to look for them!

Before saying more about bulletin changes, first a reminder that you don’t have to cook this weekend! The parishioners at St. Mary and St. Peter are providing food and entertainment as part of their annual fundraisers! By visiting these this weekend, you benefit by not having to cook and the parishes benefit as well. The chicken served at each is uniquely delicious! You can’t buy it in the store and it isn’t served at restaurants. So consider letting the cooking this weekend to your fellow parishioners and remember carry outs are available.

We know that feeding our body is important, but do we realize that it is even more important to feed our soul? God uses the physical to teach us about the spiritual. Our need for daily physical nourishment is a visible sign to us of our need for daily spiritual nourishment. Physical life requires physical nourishment and spiritual life requires spiritual nourishment – each day, throughout the day!

Are you receiving the daily spiritual nourishment needed to become the person God intends you to be? Are you providing yourself with a steady intake of spiritual nourishment throughout your day? The more difficult the day, the more nourishment is needed. We know this to be true physically, but the same is true spiritually. This is why I’m excited about the additional spiritual resources you will find in future bulletins, especially the 6 week series of testimonials that begins in this bulletin. This initial series is of parishioners who have recently become Catholic. Their backgrounds and stories are all different, but the destination and goal is the same.

This week Leah and Isabelle share their life-changing story. That is literally how these two young ladies describe their experience of going deeper in the Catholic Faith. Leah didn’t have any desire to know God until she saw it in Isabelle. Once she saw how closeness to God each day brings profound joy and peace, she too desired it. This type of peace and joy cannot be found in the world, only in God. As St. Augustine famously said: Our hearts are restless until they rest in You, O Lord.”

Leah soon began to inquire, with Isabelle at her side, about how someone becomes Catholic. As they began to learn the process of doing so, there were worries, concerns, and even doubts at first. However, with courage and trust, they pushed forward to discover fulfillment and joy each day. You can read the rest for yourself, but be sure to pay close attention to what they say, because it might be different than you think or more profound than you realize.

Fr. Miller


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