Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

Browsing From the Pastor

Bulletin Article May 11/12

From the Pastor:     

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in our parishes! Today we thank our mothers for the love and concern they have for us.  It is an opportunity for us to reflect on the blessings that God gives us through our mothers and how different our lives would be without them. Being a caring and devoted mother is not an easy task, so today we make a special point to thank all mothers who have selflessly given of themselves for their children. Like the Blessed Virgin Mother, the impact of mothers is meant to be far greater than the confines of this world. God intends for mothers to help their children each day become saints. How great it is for mothers to consider this important and essential role that God has given them here on earth! Thank you for all that you do for us!

Fr. Miller

From our future associate priest:     

Dear Friends in Christ,

My name is Fr. Evarist Miku from the Catholic Diocese of Moshi Tanzania. I was born and raised in a family of six siblings: four boys and three girls. My parents are Joachim and Natalia. Both have been called back to God. I thank God for giving them a good life. My mom was 84 and my Dad 90 when called to God. 

My village is called Maua (“flower”) which is in the region of Kilimanjaro.  Kilimanjaro is also the name of the highest mountain in Africa, which is about 5,895 meters above sea level. In the year 2019 I climbed and reached the top. That was my only experience of snow until I came to the United States. If you happen to visit Tanzania, you can view it from my village. And if you make such a visit, I will say to you: Welcome to Taznania! Welcome to the Catholic Diocese of Moshi!

I went to primary school and, after class seven, I joined St. James minor Seminary for secondary education. Six years later I graduated and then entered St. Anthony of Padua Seminary for Philosophy. In 2006 I entered St. Augustine Peramiho Senior Seminary to continue my studies in theology. Upon successful completion of many years of study, I was ordained a priest on July 8, 2010. God willing this year I will celebrate my 14th anniversary of my priesthood.

After working in my Diocese in Africa for four years, I came to the United State in 2014 as a student. I attended Walsh University to obtain a master’s degree in Pastoral Theology. After graduating in 2016, I returned to my home diocese for pastoral work. There I served in parishes as a chaplain, religious vicar, and pastor. I am very happy to have another opportunity to be back in the United States. I am happy to be here in the Catholic Diocese of Toledo to serve all of you, God’s people, in the Mansfield area. In a special way, I’m very happy for this new assignment to work with Fr. Miller and Fr. Kishore.

God bless you,
Fr. Evarist Miku Massawe


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