This coming Thursday, April 6th, from 2:00 until 3:00 p.m., I will be interviewed as a participant to support our area Catholic radio station, WFOT, 89.5 FM. During this coming week, a number of the other Catholic Pastors in our area are to be interviewed as well.
Our Catholic radio station offers a unique opportunity to communicate various facets of the Catholic Faith. One never knows who all is listening. For this reason, I view this coming interview as an awesome opportunity to witness to the faith life of the Catholic Church. I especially appreciate tuning in to a Catholic radio station when I am traveling. It is reassuring to be reminded that the Church is present to us wherever our travels might take us.
In its own unique way, our Catholic radio station mirrors various facets of the Catholic Way of Life. On occasions on which I’ve been interviewed in the past, I’ve had the opportunity to give a faith testimony. I hope that this has whetted the spiritual appetites of Catholic listeners to proactively share in an upbeat manner the Faith that we gather to celebrate at Mass. On Catholic radio, all are invited to appreciate that the Faith which we celebrate has implications for all areas of our lives as individuals and for the groups to which we belong. Hopefully, faith formation programing invites listeners to explore in depth how faith relates to daily living.
What a blessing Catholic radio can be for persons who are homebound. Even when we are not able to come to church, we are offered opportunities on our Catholic radio station to connect and to participate with persons who are able to gather for Mass and for other expressions of prayer.
Catholic radio offers a unique opportunity to publicize parish events and activities. A lot of hard work goes into planning parish happenings. Catholic radio can make many in our larger community aware of what is happening and invite all persons to attend these events.
Our local Catholic radio station highlights both that which all Catholics share in common as well as unique ways in which the Faith of the Church is lived out. In its public worship life and in the Faith that is taught, all Catholics are one. These realities serve as the bond that unites us as Catholics. For this reason, hopefully all Catholics will want to take ownership of our area Catholic radio station.
At the same time, even as siblings in the same family are unique, this can be said of each of the parishes in our area. For example, both St. Mary and Resurrection Parishes celebrate and teach the same Faith. Yet, each Parish has its own distinct personality. The uniqueness of each parish is expressed in the events and activities that it offers. Our local Catholic radio station offers each parish the opportunity to broadcast its own special happenings.
Our Catholic radio station can be likened to a treasure that we can all too easily overlook or take for granted. The upcoming Sharathon this week offers us a special opportunity to express our gratitude financially for this distinctive vehicle for communicating the presence and riches of the Catholic Faith. Please pray for the success of this endeavor and then respond to it as the Lord leads you to do this.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Nelson Beaver – Pastor