Dear Parishioner,
In Catholic schools like ours, posted prominently in the bathrooms for all the students to see is the following: Wash your hands and say your prayers because Jesus and germs are everywhere! That is certainly true right now. Sickness is everywhere. It seems like everyone either has it or is just getting over it. I’ve been able to avoid it until this week. That’s just another way I’m in solidarity with all our parishioners, whether young, old, or somewhere in between. My hope and prayer this week has been that I don’t lose my voice for the weekend Masses.
I’ve been praying that everyone gets well soon, but also each of us carries the cross of sickness as Christ carried His cross. One of our younger parishioners said to me this past week that his sickness brings him closer to Christ. He couldn’t explain why, but he just knew it did. There are many reasons for why, one of them being our experience of suffering can help us to understand Jesus willingly suffering for us. The love Jesus has for us to willingly suffer with us and for us! Sickness also helps us to be humble.
On a different topic, I share with you again exciting news that you might be tempted to think is too good to be true. At first, I too was skeptical, but not after learning more about it. What I’m referring to is the state tax code that allows Ohioans to make a financial donation to the work of the parish and fully deduct it from what they owe in state taxes. This is great news because it allows parishioners to contribute to the work of the Church with zero cost to themselves.
As with every tax law, there are limitations and specific guidelines that must be followed. First, the financial gift cannot be greater than $750 for individuals or $1,500 for married couples. Second, the donation must be made to a Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO), not directly to parishes. This is because the tax law intends the donation to be directed toward private schools, such as our Catholic schools. Since parishioners subsidize the cost to operate their parish school, these donations will help reduce the school operating cost to the parish.
Although not every parish operates a Catholic school, hopefully every Catholic understands the importance and need for good Catholic schools in our society. More and more our society is drifting from a Christian viewpoint to one that is rapidly becoming pagan and hedonistic. This state tax law allows every parishioner who pays state income taxes to contribute a small portion of that to their local Catholic schools at no cost to themselves. This is a rare win-win situation and something we should all support.
The Diocese of Toledo has established itself as the Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) for all the Catholic schools throughout our diocese. Financial gifts are made directly to our Diocesan SGO with specification for which Catholic school it is intended. To claim a 2024 Ohio Scholarship Donation Credit, you would make your donation to our Diocesan SGO before April 15, 2025. More information about this can be found in this bulletin.
Fr. Miller
Dave - January 12, 2025
From the Maintenance/Custodial Department:
Sickness and winter weather are upon us! Our snow crews have been busy lately with the light snows that seem to be occurring almost daily. The frequency of needing to shovel and salt our facilities has been taking its toll on the work crews because they do their work while most of us are sleeping and many of them also are dealing with sickness. Nevertheless, they persevere (for the most part!) moving snow and spreading salt with runny noses and loud coughs.
Sometimes the weather can change quickly, or the snow continues through the day. In those instances, please use extra caution as you walk from your car to the buildings. We have shovels and salt buckets at the doors for parishioners to help the situation. Your help is not expected, but certainly appreciated by fellow parishioners when the crews cannot respond quick enough. As always, feel free to share with me or the parish offices about suggestions or concerns you may have about this or anything. We try to stay ahead of the problems, but we might not know of them without you notifying us.
We are in the process of multiple projects in our three parishes thanks to this Living Christ Capital campaign. Currently at St. Peter, we are replacing and installing new lights in the parking lots. This will help improve visibility and safety, and it’ll also lower its energy usage. At St. Mary’s, the campaign funds are being used to make updates to the church and improve security at the school. The first change will be new lighting over the altar, which will enhance the worship space and improve the lighting during Mass. Resurrection is wrapping up the final steps of updating the HVAC control system. Once this is done, the building will be more energy-efficient and comfortable.
Stay safe, watch your step out there, and thanks for helping to keep our parish safe and running smoothly.
Dave Scheurer,
Department Manager