Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

Browsing From the Pastor

Mary Magdalene didn't recognize Jesus

Even 2000 years ago, soon after rising from the dead, Jesus practiced social distancing. He says in today's gospel reading (John 20:11-18), “Stop holding on to me.” Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and at first finds it empty, save for two angels; she then meets Jesus, risen from the dead, but she does not recognize Him, thinking He is the gardener. The fact that she doesn't recognize Jesus reveals that the Resurrection has changed Jesus in some way in appearance. The Resurrection wasn't merely a resuscitation, going back to the same old, same old. As we go through this time of pandemic and quarantine, I think most of us are ready to return to normalcy. The Resurrection wasn't a return to normalcy. God is using this time for us to be made new, to truly rise with Christ into new people. Notice also that Mary Magdalene recognizes Jesus when He calls her by name. Jesus calls each one us by name this day. May we recognize His voice, calling each of us to newness of life. Happy Easter!


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