Dear Parishioners,
Hopefully you had a wonderful time with family and friends in celebrating Thanksgiving the last few days. It seems that we are busy with so many things that we hardly have time to enjoy some rest and relaxation. That certainly is the case for me and probably for many of you also. As a result, I greatly appreciated the last few days with my family, eating well and resting. I especially enjoyed reconnecting with rural life and the quietness that comes with it. It’s hard to miss God in such settings!
As I mentioned last week, Thanksgiving is a national holiday for giving thanks. The more gratefully we are every day of the year the more joyful we will be. Some of what I’m grateful for are our parishioners who pray each day. I’m especially grateful to parents who are teaching, by word and example, their children to pray each day. I’m grateful in is seeing so many of you at Mass each weekend. We come together as brothers and sisters before God who is the Father of us all. If you haven’t noticed, the Mass, at its core, is a prayer of thanksgiving. Eucharist literally means “to give thanks”. Just as a smile says something about a person, so does the commitment to come to Mass each weekend. That effort and sacrifice is a good deed that does not go unnoticed, especially by God.
I’m grateful for all who volunteer around the parish in whatever way. Thank you very much! Without your generosity, the parish would not be able to accomplish all the wonderful work and important activities that it does. Whether it is the ushers, singers, money counters, servers, committee members, or those who help with landscaping, cleaning, building, fixing, or those who lead faith sharing groups, men’s groups, women’s group, and others, I am deeply grateful! If you don’t currently volunteer, consider doing so with whatever gifts and talents God has given to you. You too will experience more joy.
Lastly for this week, I’m grateful for all those who financially support our parish. Your sacrifice also does not go unnoticed. Many people are financially struggling, yet many still continue to financially support the parish with what they can offer each week. I know one of our parishioners, who has a very meager income, makes an offering each week that is sacrificial. To the uninformed observer, the amount that person puts in the collection basket seems small, but it is a big sacrifice. Scripture reminds us that God loves a generous heart. A special thanks to all who are unable to attend Mass for health reasons, yet continue to make their weekly contributions. Your generosity is humbling and inspiring!
Choose this week to be grateful. Look for the blessings you take for granted. Devote a little extra time to thanking God. Then offer a prayer for all the people in our world who don’t see the blessings they enjoy each day.
Fr. Miller