Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

Browsing From the Pastor

September 21/22 Bulletin Article

From the Pastor:                                                      

The weather we have been experiencing is as good as it gets, literally! From the sunrise to the sunset, and even the evenings bring their own special blessing. For example, the sunrise on the horizon a week ago was amazing. While driving, I happened to see it during the few moments it was brilliant red-orange and larger than life. It was one of those moments that it's gone as soon as you blink an eye.  The coolness of the evenings, combined with clear skies for seeing the stars and the sound of invisible life everywhere, tells us something very important.

Creation is God's first revelation to humans of who God is and who we are. In our Wednesday evening classes with those who are interested in joining the Catholic Church, we discussed the ways God reveals to us knowledge and truth. God doesn't do this in the same manner as a teacher writing on the board. Instead, God’s revelation surrounds us. We see, hear, and touch it every day. Together, the power, beauty, and intelligence of creation tell us there is a Creator who is equally powerful, beautiful, and intelligent. In the weeks ahead, I hope you experience each of these qualities of God in creation as you enjoy the best days of the fall season.

We three priests and Evan (seminarian) have been very busy with the many events of the tri-parish. We gather each week for planning who is going where to cover what. If that sounds complicated, that’s because it is at times! Our goal is to distribute ourselves equally among the three parishes. We enjoy being with you the parishioners in your ministry, at your house, or wherever. Lately funeral services have been keeping us very busy along with the many youth events of the parishes, which we place high on our priority list.

As you probably have noticed in the bulletin, St. Vincent de Paul Society will be having a fundraiser next Sunday at Resurrection Parish. They currently have very little cash and therefore unable to assist many people through whatever financial crisis they may be experiencing. They will have plenty of good food, including pulled pork that is sure to taste fabulous. Going with the mindset of go big or go home, I’m grilling a full size market hog, so be sure to spot by next Sunday. Remember, they will also have a drive-thru option.

Last for this week is that St. Peter will offer a special Mass the first Sunday of November. What will be different is that the ordinary hymns of the Mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Holy, Holy and Lamb of God) will be sung in Latin. In the past, St. Peter would occasionally offer a full Latin Mass, but that is not possible anymore. We still receive requests for this from both younger and older parishioners. Programs will be provided that have both the Latin and English words printed in them so all can participate. The musical arrangement of some of the hymns will beautifully alternate between the choir and congregates, making it easier and more heavenly for those attending. If interested, mark your calendar for Sunday, Nov. 3 @ 11:30.  

Fr. Miller


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