Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

Browsing From the Pastor

September 30/October 1 Bulletin Article

As we Ohioans are nearing a general election next month (Nov. 7), it is good to be reminded of two things. The first is the importance of being involved in the political process and the second are the two issues that Ohio voters will decide. The first is a proposed constitutional amendment and the second is a proposed law.

First, Pope Francis reminds us that Catholics should be involved in the political discussion, and offer their prayers, so that the governing process will proceed in humility, respect, and truth. He rejects the idea that "a good Catholic doesn't meddle in politics.” Pope Francis: “We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by offering the best of themselves so that the leader can govern.”

Pope Francis acknowledged the tendency for people to speak only critically of their leaders, to complain about "things that don't go well." Instead, he reminds us that we should pray, since prayer is "the best that we can offer to those who govern." Pope Francis directs us to St. Paul's first letter to Timothy where we are instructed to pray for the conversion and strong leadership of those in authority.

Before the past special election of Aug. 8, I stated that it is critically important that voters take the time to understand the issues and candidates on every voting ballot. The issue that voters were being asked to decide was related to the requirements needed to change the State Constitution. I stated then that the issue was not moral but political. Clearly it would affect future elections, such as this November election, but determining the exact percentage of majority votes needed to change the State Constitution is a debatable issue of governance. The two issues on the ballot for this November are clearly different, most especially Issue 1.

Issue 1 is a proposed Constitutional Amendment that seeks to legalize abortion in Ohio. If passed, the practical effect would be to legalize abortion at any stage of pregnancy and protect anyone involved with providing an abortion. The amendment refers to abortion as “reproductive medical treatment” in order to redirect the focus away from the truth of what abortion is – the direct and intentional killing of an innocent human person for the convenience of another person. It is impossible to morally justify such actions regardless of what deceptive wording is used. As a result, any person with even the smallest notion of decency and justice will vote NO on Issue 1 this November.

Abortion is the result of pride and selfishness. As I stated last week, these sins are the cancers that are literally destroying us and society at many levels. They are the freeway to hell that many people are traveling and leading others with them. There is good in every person, however the unGodly aspects of them are what prevent them from entering heaven. Abortion is those in power ending the life of those without power. It is people without a voice being eliminated by those with a voice. Please see through deception and vote NO on Issue 1.

Fr. Miller



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