A saying with which many of us are familiar runs as follows: “And this too shall pass…” At certain times, especially when we are hurting or suffering, this saying is received as good news. We each look forward to relief from pain and hardship. At other times, the awareness that “this too shall pass” can be depressing, especially when we are experiencing that which is pleasant and uplifting. How we would love to remain on the mountain top of life-renewing experiences!
Our on-going awareness of the passing nature of all that comes our way can help us to appreciate the preciousness of life. We realize that we shall not pass this way again. As we couple the awareness of the precious nature of life with the assurance of how deeply we are loved, we have the basis for living our entire lives in the spirit of thanksgiving. We will grow in the ability to relate to that which comes our way as opportunities to be embraced.
Let’s apply this possibility to the experiences of suffering that we have. When hardship comes upon us, we are in need. Our needs can become an occasion for experiencing those life-renewing friendships for which we yearn and of which our Lord is the Source. Think of how pathetic we would be if we were not needy in any way! If we were not hurting or lacking in any way, we would have no friends, if one describes a friend as a person in and through whom the Lord works to enable us to meet specific needs. What a blessing it can be to acknowledge that we are hurting and then to allow persons to support us in our suffering!
When we experience favorable circumstances and upbeat occasions, the Lord would enable us to relate to these passing blessings in ways that benefit ourselves and others. Joyful occasions, such as getting together with loved ones affirm the sacrifices that we make every day for persons entrusted to our care. Upbeat occasions also equip us for the uphill journey ahead. Even though now we cannot see all that we will have to face, upbeat occasions can energize us to approach the future each day at a time with confidence and trust because of the One Who is with us and Who enables us to experience that which is uplifting.
Thanksgiving can become thanksliving as we relate to that which is painful and to that which is uplifting in the following ways: 1) Let’s strive to say “yes” each day to the persons whose paths we cross both in pleasant and in painful circumstances. We might ask the Lord for the wisdom to be present to the persons with whom we interact every day as the Lord wants this to happen. 2) May all that we do in the situations in which we find ourselves be a response to the leading and guiding of the Lord. Let’s continue to pray for the strength to be faithful to what the Lord wants of us, whether the way that we speak and act is favorably or unfavorably received by others.
As we thus strive each day to live in the spirit of thanksgiving for all that comes our way, we will grow in the ability both to be at peace with ourselves and to sow seeds that will produce an abundant spiritual harvest in the lives of many persons in the Lord’s way and in His good time. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Nelson Beaver – Pastor