What a blessing it is to gather for Mass with our Bishop, Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas! After Mass, Bishop will bless our newly-developed outdoor Stations of the Cross/ Prayer Garden at Resurrection Parish. We are most grateful to Bishop Thomas and for all who are present. What a unique opportunity this prayer garden offers to Resurrection Parish to witness to our Faith.
Every parish community is gifted in some way. Gifts are meant to be developed, used and shared. Resurrection Parish is gifted with an abundance of land. Much prayer, planning and hard work have gone into this distinctive venture. Hopefully, this prayer garden will serve to build up the Faith of all who visit it. I hope that many persons from near and far will want to visit this prayer garden for reflection and prayer.
May this be truly a community prayer garden. May all who come to it experience something of the depth of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ our Lord. In this way, the prayers, dedication and hard work of the many who have supported this endeavor will be eternally worth the while.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Nelson Beaver – Pastor