Thirty-four years ago, I was asking many questions about the Catholic Church and her teachings. My journey to the Catholic faith was driven by Fred -- the love of my life. Even before him, there was a tugging at my heart, clear back in high school. One of my best friends witnessed her faith unknowingly to me at the time. I attended Mass with her and her family and also some different youth events but of course we both graduated and went our separate ways. Time went on and I met a very special person who began to invite me to Mass. It was here that the questions began. I was very fortunate to have a person who was strong in his faith and patient with my questions.
We have those same types of individuals right here at Resurrection parish. Guess who they are? All of you! In many of the Gospel readings we hear the message about being called. We are all called to bring others to the Lord. We do this in many ways, whatever way we choose do this, we are being led by the Holy Spirit and we are all graced with the ability to be witnesses to others. Before you all turn me off and say I am not a “bible thumper” on the street corner, I am here to tell you neither am I! What we can do, is to be the best version of ourselves in all of our actions.
So you ask, how can I do that? LET’S TALK! Perhaps, you or your spouse come to church regularly and one or both of you are not Catholic. Perhaps, you know a person that comes to our church often. Listen here it comes! The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is for those who are not baptized. It offers a complete overview of creation, Jesus and his saving act, through the Sacraments of the Church. RCIA can also be for those who just want to update their faith; it is one of the greatest ways to learn more about your Catholic roots and traditions.
For those who are of another faith, baptized in the Trinitarian form (in the Name of the Father, in the Name of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit) there is another option called Journey to the Table. This is also a great way to dive deeper into the meat of our faith, especially the Sacraments and the roots of our teachings.
Now are you are pondering this idea but they have a crazy schedule. Well we have options. Traditionally, RCIA and Journey to the Table begin in September and conclude around Easter. As I stated, there are other options. The Journey to the Table has fewer sessions and can be completed in as little as eight to ten sessions, for those who are baptized and have some knowledge of the Catholic Church.
The teams for these processes are eager and willing to contact individuals you may know or talk with you, if it is you that has been pondering. NOW THIS IS WHERE YOU TALK! First I ask you to pray for yourself or about that person you know. Finally contact me, Sherry Stockmaster at the parish office by phone: 419-884-0060, text: 419-564-9863 or email:
All jokes aside, I would not be the person I am today without the love, guidance and support I have received by all the people I have worked with, been involved with, and have known, in the Catholic Church.
May God be with each of us as we extend our love and mercy to one another!
Sherry Stockmaster, Christian Formation Coordinator
Resurrection Parish