Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

From the Pastor

From the Pastor

April 2nd/3rd Bulletin Article

Posted by Sara Freed on 4/01/22

Dear Friends,

            Last week, I began discussing the deadly sins, known as the capital sins, and gave them a brief bit of context based on the Purgatorio section of the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Today, I want to pivot and discuss virtue before going ahead and delving ... Read More »

March 26th/27th Bulletin Article

Posted by Sara Freed on 3/24/22

Dear Friends,  

            I have been informed that yet again people are posing as and impersonating me, sending emails and text messages asking “for a favor,” namely sending money and/or gift cards. As a reminder, I will never send an email or text asking for money or gift cards. ... Read More »

March 19th/20th Bulletin Article

Posted by Sara Freed on 3/17/22

Dear Friends,

            We call this season Lent. Throughout most of the world, it is called the 40 Days—Quadregesima in Latin. One of the topics mentioned recently at RCIA was the Precepts of the Church. The Precepts of the Church are the bare minimum requirements for remaining a “practicing ... Read More »

March 12th/13th Bulletin Article

Posted by Sara Freed on 3/09/22

Dear Friends,

            As I mentioned last week, timing is everything, and my timing is still off because here we are at the Second Sunday of Lent, and I am now offering thoughts about Lent. If you asked me to recommend a single book to reading during this season ... Read More »

March 5th/6th Bulletin Article

Posted by Sara Freed on 3/01/22

Dear Friends,

            They say timing is everything, and I have to admit my timing is usually a little off kilter. If my timing was better, we would have concluded this bulletin series on the Beatitudes last week and would now discuss a new topic as we begin Lent. ... Read More »

February 26th/27th Bulletin Article

Posted by Sara Freed on 2/23/22

Dear Friends,

            “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” These words are always timely and seem especially appropriate for our world right now. In his book Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict XVI states, “When men lose sight of God, peace disintegrates and violence ... Read More »

February 19th/20th Bulletin Article

Posted by Sara Freed on 2/15/22

Dear Friends,

            I write this during one of the snow days of the “Snowmageddon,” and therefore, I write this well before it will be published. Going to bed and then waking up the next morning, I observed the phenomenon that we sometimes use to describe other situations: the ... Read More »

February 12th/13th Bulletin Article

Posted by Sara Freed on 2/07/22

Dear Friends,

            Since I am away for a little bit of time to rest, relax, and refresh, it is good to have Fr. Nick Weibl celebrating the weekend Masses for me. He is incredibly kind and generous to do so, and I know many of you are happy ... Read More »

February 5th/6th Bulletin Article

Posted by Sara Freed on 2/07/22

Dear Friends,

            I want to thank all of you who have expressed your sympathy and condolences with the death of my grandfather, Ross Frisbee. I deeply appreciate your prayers, care, and concern. My grandfather was 92 and was quite the character. I will miss him, but I am ... Read More »

January 29th/30th Bulletin Article

Posted by Sara Freed on 1/28/22

Dear Friends,

            We move on to the next Beatitude: “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.” This, perhaps, is the most difficult of all the Beatitudes for us to understand, and it begins with understanding what meekness is and what it means to be meek. ... Read More »


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