Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

From the Pastor

From the Pastor

Providing a Gift That Continues to Give

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 12/05/15

   At this time, many of us wrestle with ourselves about what we can give to others, especially to persons who are dear to us, for Christmas. Oftentimes,  we think about items that can be purchased. We want to give things that our recipients will enjoy, need or use. Some ... Read More »

A Fresh Opportunity for a New Church Year

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 11/29/15

Happy New Year! Perhaps this sounds like a premature greeting, and yet it is appropriate. This weekend, we are entering a new Church Year. On the First Sunday of Advent, the Lectionary Cycle changes. This means that we will be using Cycle C for the Scripture Readings to be ... Read More »

Thanksgiving is Thanksliving

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 11/22/15

THANKSGIVING IS THANKSLIVING –    We don’t have to be taught how to whine, gripe and complain. These tendencies come natural to us. Unless we are on guard, we can spend precious time moping about what we can’t do, what we used to be able to do, and or ... Read More »

An On-Going Opportunity for All to Participate

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 11/22/15

Gift bearers are needed at each of our weekend Masses. Persons who serve in this role bring forward to the celebrant the financial offering of the congregation as well as the bread and wine that are to be consecrated at that given celebration of Mass.

According to the Guidelines ... Read More »

Making Room for that Which Matters

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 11/07/15

   Hard times make us aware of our priorities. Hopefully, two groups that really matter to us are our family and our parish. Fortunately, much of the time, we do not find ourselves in a crisis situation in regard to either of these groups. From time to time, hard ... Read More »

Making Room in Our Lives for that Which Really Matters

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 11/01/15

   From early childhood, we are thrust into a survival mentality. As children and as youth, we experience this in the pressure to excel in school. We need to excel in order to get that scholarship that will enable us to attain to our educational and career goals. As ... Read More »

Expressing our Oneness with Those Who Have Gone Before Us

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 11/01/15

In  the Apostles' Creed, we express our unity with the faithful of all times and places as we profess that we believe in "the communion of saints." Special observances next week enable us to give expression to this belief. NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, IS ALL SAINTS' DAY. On this ... Read More »

October: A Month of Discouragement and One of Hope

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 10/17/15

   For the Christian Community as a whole, the month of October is one of joy and one of sorrow. On the one hand, as Catholics, we honor Mary, the Mother of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in a special way. On October 7th, we honored Mary as Our ... Read More »

A Parish-Wide Process: Recommending Persons to Serve on Our Pastoral Council

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 10/13/15


   In the life of our parish communities, the Pastoral Council plays an important, unique role. Based upon the Mission Statement of the parish, the Pastoral Council, working with the Pastor, plans for the spiritual growth of ... Read More »

Expressing our Dignity in What We Wear

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 10/04/15

   We express something of how we see ourselves in a number of ways: through our tone of voice, in gestures such as shaking hands, exchanging hugs, in our punctuality or lack of this, by using our hands to express what we want to share, in the manner in which ... Read More »


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