Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

From the Pastor

From the Pastor

A Need for Balance at All Times

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 7/12/15

   Different seasons of the year highlight basic needs that we all have. For example, it’s heartening to note how many of us recognize and respond to the need for prayer and for spiritual growth during the Lenten Season. Many choose to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation during this time. ... Read More »

Faithfully Supporting Our Two Families

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 7/07/15

Two groups that will hopefully always be vital for us are those of our family and the parish to which we belong. The Lord is the Source of both of these basic groups.    In regard to our family, the love of husband and wife for each other is at ... Read More »

The New Weekend Mass Schedule Kicks in Next Weekend, July 4-5

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 6/28/15

    Beginning next Saturday, July 4th, and continuing until the end of June in 2016, weekend Masses on Saturdays are scheduled as follows: at Resurrection Parish at 4:00 p.m. and at St. Mary Parish at 6:00 p.m. Resulting from this, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is to be offered as ... Read More »

Seizing a Spiritual Opportunity

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 6/20/15

   Before long, it will be time to embark on a spiritual journey entitled The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). RCIA is a process that invites all persons to explore, sometimes anew, the Catholic Christian Way of Life. The RCIA process has been designed for non-baptized persons ... Read More »

The Offer of a Summer Spiritual Check-Up

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 6/16/15

   This is the time of year when many of us plan for vacation. Among the preparations that we make, a number of us arrange to have the vehicle in which we are to travel serviced. Our car, van, or truck may already be running smoothly. By having our vehicle ... Read More »

On-Going Efforts to Witness to the Gospel

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 6/11/15

   In last weekend’s pastoral article, our attention was directed to ways in which our parish communities are already witnessing to the Gospel. The purpose of this article is to remind us that our efforts to live out our faith as individuals and as parish communities by expressing hospitality need ... Read More »

Proactive Parish Efforts to Evangelize or Witness to the Gospel

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 6/01/15

In the pastoral article for last weekend’s bulletin, I focused upon ways in which we might witness to our Faith in the Lord as individuals. Inasmuch as we belong to the Lord as members of the faith community that we call the Church, we are also called to witness ... Read More »

Witnessing to Our Faith

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 6/01/15

   Let’s picture ourselves in the following situation. You or I have worked in a given setting for a number of years. Inevitably, the topic of religion comes up in our conversation with others. For example, someone in our family dies and funeral arrangements need to be made. People ... Read More »

Entering the High School Graduation Season

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 6/01/15

  Graduating from high school marks a significant turning point in our lives. On the one hand, we chomp at the bit to get on with our lives. We crave to be out on our own. We look forward to find our rightful place in this world as adults. ... Read More »

A Mothers' Day Tribute to the Mother of Us All

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 5/10/15

   A distinctive feature about Roman Catholic spirituality is that it acknowledges and honors both the masculine and feminine expressions of our humanity. On the one hand, it was in the man, Jesus, that God fully put Himself into our shoes. And yet, apart from the cooperation and participation ... Read More »


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