Diocese of Toledo, Ohio

From the Pastor

From the Pastor

Some Hoped-for Lasting Effects of the Holy Father's Visit

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 9/28/15

   What an honor it is for the Catholic Church in America as well as for many other Americans for our land to host the historic visit of Pope Francis! In a unique way, the office for which he has been chosen embodies the worldwide Catholic Church.    Whenever the Holy ... Read More »

Strategic Planning: An Opportunity to Look Backward and to Look Ahead

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 9/20/15

   As individuals and as parish communities, we like to feel that we are going somewhere, that we are making progress in and with our lives.    We live with a wholesome tension that can be described as follows. On the one hand, we like to look backwards. What have we ... Read More »

The Religious Formation Process for Children and Youth Resumes

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 9/12/15

   Starting this Sunday, September 13th, before Mass at Resurrection Parish and next Sunday, September 20th, after Mass at St. Mary Parish, the process of religious formation of children and youth resumes. I chose the words, “process” and “resumes” to indicate that formation in our Faith is a reality that ... Read More »

Making Time for a Regular Spiritual Check-up

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 9/07/15

   Many of us realize the importance of having the vehicles that we drive serviced from time to time. By doing this, our vehicles will be able to continue to serve us as effectively and as efficiently as is possible.    We have been set free to be effective vehicles of ... Read More »

Opportunities to Strengthen and to be Strengthened

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 8/30/15

   In the eyes of our Diocese, St. Mary and Resurrection Parishes are sister parishes. By design, this means that our two parishes are joined together in distinctive ways. For example, the priests and deacons who serve in our parishes are called and appointed to serve in both parishes. This ... Read More »

An Effort to Unpack Bishop Thomas's Vision for our Diocese

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 8/30/15

   Last November, St. Mary Parish hosted a gathering to welcome Bishop Thomas as our new Bishop. In his homily, Bishop Thomas expressed his vision for our Diocese as that of doing our part to reach the goals of Holy Families, Holy Vocations and Holy Disciples. Thus, in a concise ... Read More »

The Personal and Communal Nature of that for Which We Hope

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 8/08/15

    Next Saturday, August 15th, the Universal Church observes the Solemnity of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother, Mary, into heaven. According to Pope Pius XII in proclaiming this dogma, “…what is consummated in this feast is not simply the total absence of corruption from the dead body of ... Read More »

The Role of Vital Avenues of Support for Our Faith Life

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 8/02/15

   Even though we are still in the summer season with the many activities that go with it, now that we are in August, many of us start to think of the Fall Season. School resumes for many of our children during this month. During August, parents whose children attend ... Read More »

What is Marriage?

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 7/26/15

   Hello to my brothers and sisters of St. Mary and Resurrection. First I would like to thank all of you for your prayers, cards, shared sorrow, hugs, food and help with financing in this time of trial for Irene and me and our family. We have learned first ... Read More »

Goldfish and Relationships

Posted by Deborah Dubois on 7/21/15

A recent study says that goldfish have longer attention spans than people! Researchers looking into the effect of digital media on brain activity found that as recently as 2012, the human attention span was measured at 12 seconds. A more recent study found that the human attention span has ... Read More »


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